Play #5: Determine the Best Answering Service Partner who has KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE in your industry.
Here is a quick review of what your team has achieved so far on its way to the Super Bowl ...
Now you have to find your assistant coaches with experience and who can share the knowledge and have the experience of achieving your team’s goals. So the next important question: How well does the service know your industry?
Answering services that understand your industry should understand basic terminology within your industry. They should also understand the standards and expectations generally accepted throughout the industry. Lastly, they should have experience to help you through common challenges … because they have experienced those challenges before.
Here are a few questions to help you determine the qualifications of an answering service or call center in your industry.
The key to a successful partnership in with an answering service is making sure they
Experience, education, dedication is the core tenets of trust and compatibility.
In our next installment (Play #6), we will learn how to put it all together to achieve success in the Super Bowl by determining the Return on Investment (ROI) when hiring an answering service.